Yellow And Grey Wedding Ideas
Looking for grey and yellow wedding ideas? We love this colour combination. The relaxed look of soft grey mixed with a burst of lemon yellow is perfect for a summer wedding. You can bring out the soft grey colour in the groomsmen’s suits, add a yellow tie if you fancy. The bridesmaids could wear either yellow or grey or a mixture the choice is yours.
Add yellow and grey touches to your wedding decorations, yellow drinking straws and grey paper bags make up candy buffet tables with yellow and grey sweets. Bunting or paper pom poms in yellow or grey will look fab hanging throughout your venue. And ribbons too, use them as chair backs or backdrops hanging in yellow and grey.
Yellow and grey wedding ideas
Image credits: 1 Grey men’s wedding outfits 2 Grey and yellow wedding ideas for outfits 3 Yellow and grey bunting 4 Yellow and grey bride bouquet 5 Yellow paper straws 6 Wedding centrepieces with lemons against vase 7 Fans for wedding ceremony 8 Yellow and grey wedding candy buffet 9 Yellow and grey sweetie bar 10 Jam wedding favours 11 Yellow and grey ribbon chair backs 12 Hanging ribbon backdrops 13 Grey and yellow wedding invitiations