Alternative Wedding Guest Book Ideas – Jenga, Corks, Wishing Stones
Are you going for a traditional wedding guest book or something a little alternative? Many of our customers get in touch asking for alternative wedding guest book ideas, we always point them in the direction of our wedding guest book range (both traditional and alternative style guest books for sale). But today we thought we’d share some of our more create alternative guest book ideas.
Which would you choose? We’d love your comments at the bottom of the post.
Alternative Wedding Guest Book Ideas
Ask your guests to take a photo of themselves with a polaroid photo and write a message on it. You can stick the photos in a book after the wedding as a lovely reminder.
Perhaps you have travelled a lot as a couple or have family and friends visiting from all over the world – we love the idea of asking guests to write their messages on a globe or world map.
For a fun idea and something that you can treasure forever, buy a jenga set and ask guests to sign the pieces. Every time you play with this jenga set you will be reminded of your wedding and the guests that attended.
Do you and your partner share a hobby? If so ask your guests to sign something related to your hobby, a surfboard, snowboard, basketball, cycling helmet…
For wine lovers there are two options, you could ask your guests to sign a large wine bottle, or sign individual corks. Both of these could be displayed in your kitchen for years to come.
Another ideas is asking guests to sign wishing stones, collect pebbles stones (or for a beach wedding maybe shells) and ask guests to write their wishes on them. Display all these stones in a large jar or vase in your home after your wedding.
To see the alternative wedding guest book ideas for sale in our shop have a look below.

These are fantastic alternative wedding guest book ideas. It is always nice to see someone doing something different with style.
Great ideas! We love the Jenga guestbook (although we bet that some guests might write inappropriate messages)!
We have created some pretty printable ‘quizzes’ / surveys for weddings guests – another alternative to a guestbook – and people seem to like them. Take a look at