Wedding Flowers Workshops (Bouquets / Centrepieces)
If you are thinking of doing your own wedding flowers then booking onto one of these courses is a must. Run by our sister company Passion for Flowers. Award winning floral designer Karen will talk you through the basics. Starting with conditioning the flowers, which flowers work well together and the sorts of quantities you would need. She runs 2 day workshops, at the moment we have 2 courses available, one for Rustic / Country Style Weddings and another for Timeless Elegant Weddings. Book onto the style that most suits you.
If you can’t make the dates below and want to be kept updated for future dates please get in touch.
HOW TO BOOK: Email Karen on to book your space, detailing the workshop you would like to attend, date and number of spaces you require. We recommend you sign up to both days if you are going to make bouquets and centrepieces for your wedding.

DAY 2: CENTREPIECE & VENUE STYLING WORKSHOP £175 – beginners & budding florists
WHEN: Sunday 19th February 2017, 11 am – 4 pm
WHERE: Passion for Flowers Workshop, Home Farm, Berkswell, Warwickshire, CV7 7SL (10 minutes from Birmingham International Station)
WHAT IS INVOLVED: Karen will demonstrate how to make a number of rustic country style centrepieces, including milk churns, jugs, mini crates and a grouping on a tree slice. You will learn which flowers work well together and the techniques needed to make the different types of centrepieces. You will make a crate centrepiece and place setting to take away with you as well as work together with the group to style a top table in keeping with the rustic country look.

WHAT IS INVOLVED: Karen will demonstrate how to create a beautiful timeless elegant bouquet, similar style to the photograph, as well as matching button holes. You will learn how to condition flowers and make a bouquet and a couple of button holes to take away with you. Karen will be on hand to answer any questions specific to your wedding and wedding season.
DAY 2: CENTREPIECE & VENUE STYLING WORKSHOP £200 – beginners & budding florists
WHEN: Sunday 19th March 2017, 11 am – 4 pm
WHERE: Passion for Flowers Workshop, Home Farm, Berkswell, Warwickshire, CV7 7SL (10 minutes from Birmingham International Station)
WHAT IS INVOLVED: Karen will demonstrate how to make a number of timeless elegant centrepieces, including antique silver footed bowls, groupings of antique gold bottles and groupings of pressed glass vases. You will learn which flowers work well together and the techniques needed to make the different types of centrepieces. You will make a footed bowl centrepiece and place setting to take away with you as well as work together with the group to style a top table in keeping with the timeless elegant look.
HOW TO BOOK: Email Karen on to book your space, detailing the workshop you would like to attend, date and number of spaces you require. We recommend you sign up to both days if you are going to make bouquets and centrepieces for your wedding.