Children’s Wedding Activity Books
This week our wedding decoration of the week is something for the children. If you are planning on inviting children to your wedding it’s a lovely idea to give them a special gift for when they arrive at the table. Sitting at the table can be pretty boring for young children, not to mention sitting through the speeches so it’s a nice touch to give them something to keep them entertained. Our children’s wedding activity books do just that. Designed for 5 – 12 year olds these books are filled with puzzles, games and colouring pages.
Children’s Wedding Activity Books
View these children’s wedding activity books for sale in our shop
Product Details
- This activity book is called ‘Something to keep you happy when the grown-ups are being really boring at the dinner table’ and it is filled with fun and entertaining things to do.
- With pages full of word games and puzzles to colouring and other great ideas such as wedding word bingo.
- The book has 9 pages (18 sides plus inside covers) with 20 different activities.
- Suitable for wide range of ages, children 5 – 12 years old
- The activity book was highly commended at the gift of the year awards.
- Size of book 21.5 x 15 cm – perfect for placing at their place setting at the table or adding into an activity pack.
- View in shop
- Price: £6.50
If you are thinking of making an activity pack for children or young bridesmaids / pageboys why not browse our full range of children’s activities including keepsake books, crayons, table games and gift bags. Browse our children’s wedding activities here.