Kids Wedding Activities – Do I Need Them?
A guide to kids wedding activities + where to buy them cheap
Bride Tip
Have little baskets of activity books or toys for the children to play with while the adults enjoy the wedding. Leave these baskets around the room, or create a little gift bag for each child attending the wedding.
So, are you inviting kids to your wedding? Maybe you are inviting whole families, or just kids of close family members or perhaps you have limited it to flower girls and pageboys only. The choice is completely yours. But if you do have even a couple of kids attending your wedding, and more importantly the wedding breakfast then you’ll be asking yourself do you need to provide some activities for them.
Well again the choice is yours, but kids and wedding speeches don’t mix that well in my experience. The kids have probably done well to sit at the table throughout dinner but are beginning to get a little bored by the time the speeches come around so it is probably worth your while giving them a little something to do at the table. Each child has no doubt been really excited about attending your wedding so why not make them feel extra special and leave them an activity pack at their seat. Or provide little baskets of kids activities for varying ages around the room and the parents can pick up something they think their child would like.
Browse a few of our best selling children’s activities below.
Best Sellers: Click to see in the shop:
- Something to keep you happy while the grown-ups are being boring – ring bound
- Something to keep you happy while the grown-ups are being boring – square
- This is my day as a flower girl book
- This is my day as a pageboy book
- Printable activity book
- Ice cream blowing bubbles
- Colouring pencils
- Table pick up sticks
- Hessian bags for kids wedding activities
- Jenga – table game

I love all of the ideas and the links you have provided! I didn’t end up doing anything in particular for the children at my wedding, but I know that it’s so important to think about how to keep the kids occupied, too! I actually linked this post in one of my own where I briefly mentioned providing for kiddos at the reception. Thanks for the work you’ve put in here!