Polaroid Photo Guest Books: Steal This Idea
Stick Polaroid Photos Into Guestbooks Next To Messages
Are you opting for a traditional guest book where guests write messages in an actual book (compared to some of the alternatives guest books on offer… signing a jenga pieces, puzzle piece, offering date night ideas or leaving advice for a happy marriage). If the traditional wedding guest book is what you fancy have you thought of including photos of those guests inside the guest book. It’s such a simple idea but makes for a lovely keepsake. Why not place a polaroid camera on the guestbook table and ask your guests to take a photo and stick it in next to their comment. Don’t forget to leave a couple of rolls of decorative tape on the table too so they can stick them in. These will make a great reminder of who was at your wedding and will be great fun looking back through the photos in the future.
If this sounds like something you fancy doing you may be interested in our latest wedding guest book which comes with mini envelopes already stuck on to the pages. You guests can insert the photos and their messages into the envelopes to keep them neat and secure.
Ask Guests To Stick Polaroid Photos In Wedding Guestbooks Next To Their Message
Sticking photos into guest books with tape
Image source: Ruffled Blog
Inserting photos into mini envelopes already in the guest book
Image source: The Wedding of my Dreams
When you read back through your wedding guestbook in years to come it will be lovely to see the photos next to their comments. If you are thinking of doing this you may like our traditional wedding guest books or our guest book with envelopes.

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