How To Make A Wedding Table Plan: Blackboard Buckets And Wooden Crates
Make your own wedding table plan!
One of our customers had the creative idea of using our blackboard buckets to make her wedding table plan and we love it. It’s so simple and looks fab, especially if you are having a chalkboard or blackboard theme to your wedding. A blackboard theme works well if your wedding venue is a country pub or barn or even a marquee. Perhaps both of you are teachers so blackboards reflect your job?
How to make a wedding table plan from blackboard buckets with herbs staked on wooden crates 
What you will need:
- Blackboard Bucket (one for each table)
- Wooden crates (minimum of 3)
- Chalk
- Herbs or potted plants
- Wooden dowels
- String
- Brown paper
- Pritt stick
- Scissors
How To Make The Table Plan:
- Write your table numbers on the front of each blackboard bucket in chalk
- Put a potted plant inside each blackboard bucket. Our photo shows lavender, herbs also work well
- On a table stack your wooden crates to make shelves for your buckets to sit on
- Place your blackboard buckets on the wooden crates
How To Make The Mini Bunting:
- Now you have to show guests which table they are sitting at – make your own mini bunting to string up within each bucket, write a guests name on each bunting flag so they know which table they are sitting at.
- Take 2 wooden dowels and tie a piece of string between them approx 15cm (this will be the structure for your bunting)
- Cut out diamond shapes from the brown paper (make sure the shapes fold in half to make a triangle)
- Write or print a guests name on the botton half of the diamond shape, do this for all your guests.
- Gather together all the pieces of paper with guests names on who are sitting at table 1. Fold the first paper diamond in half to make a triangle and wrap it over the string, now stick it down with pritt stick so you have a triangle bunting flag. Do the same for all the guests on that table.
- Pick up the two wooden dowels with the mini bunting now hanging from it and stake it into the potted plant in the blackboard bucket marked table 1
- Repeat this for all your tables
Don’t let your potted plants go to waste, nominate a special guest on each table to take the plant in the blackboard bucket home with them.