How To Make Here Comes The Bride Sign On Hessian
After our recent post showing cute signs for flower girls and ring bearers to hold as they walk down the aisle we had a number of emails from brides asking the same question. ‘How do I make the here comes the bride sign on hessian’? So to we have put together a step by step guide showing you how to make your own here comes the bride sign using hessian / burlap and spray paint. We have even made you some free templates that you can print off to use for your signs.
How To Make Here Comes The Bride Signs On Hessian
What you’ll Need:
- Hessian table runner
- Printable template (download these here)
- Spray paint in your choice of colour
- Pins
- Rustic stick
- Ball of string
- Scissors
- Stapler
- Select your template and print it. We have created templates for you to use for your hessian signs, templates include. Here Comes The Bride, Here Comes Your Girl, Here Comes The Love Of Your Life, Here She Comes.
- Using scissors, carefully cut out the letters so you are left with a white sheet of paper with letters cut out, this will be your template. Be careful not to lose loose parts of the letters, eg the centre piece of the letter ‘O’
- Lay your hessian runner lengthways and place the top piece of paper about 4 inches from the top of the hessian (you will need to leave space at the top for hanging). Pin the paper to the hessian.
- Lightly spray paint over the paper template, hold down the loose pieces of the letters before spaying letters such as ‘O’. It is best to do this outside and place the hessian on cardboard or newspaper.
- Unpin the template and you should have a lovely sign.
- Fold over the top edge of the hessian back on itself making sure you leave the gap big enough for your stick to slot into. When you are happy staple the hessian.
- Slide your rustic stick through the tunnel you have created and cut it to size, leave about 1 – 2 cm poking out each side of the hessian.
- Attach a piece of string to both sides of the stick for hanging or holding.
- As you have used a hessian runner both long sides of the sign will have a nice finish, cut along the bottom of the sign just under the final word. Remove a couple of horizontal threads of material to create a rustic frayed look.
- Give the here comes the bride sign to your flower girl or pageboy to hold as they walk down the aisle in front of the bride.
Here Comes The Bride Downloadable Template
Download your hessian sign templates here. (Template available in the download ‘Here Comes The Bride’, ‘Here Comes The Love Of Your Life’, ‘Here She Comes’, ‘Here Comes Your Girl’.