Where Can I Use Tea Light Holders At My Wedding?
Our tea light holders are one of our most popular items here at The Wedding of my Dreams. Almost all our customers have at least a few tea light holders in their basket when they checkout, and we are not surprised. We love candle light too! I am sure you have already decided where you might be placing your tea light holders at your wedding but maybe you could do with a little more inspiration. There are lots of places tea light holders can be used at weddings, here we have created a checklist showing the many possible places tea light holders can be used at weddings.
Where Can I Use Tea Light Holders At My Wedding?
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Here at The Wedding of my Dreams we sellĀ tea light holders for all wedding styles, whether you are opting for a rustic style, country garden style or classic wedding. Browse our collection of tea light holders for sale in our shop. Below are just a few of our favourites. See the full collection here.